Understanding and Navigating Two Way Traffic Signs

Two-way traffic signs alert drivers to two-way roads.

What is a two way route sign?

two way signtwo way signs2 way sign
two-way signtwo-way signsTwo-way traffic

What does two way traffic sign mean in road?

A two-way traffic sign is a road sign that alerts drivers that they are entering or are on a road where traffic flows in both directions. This sign is crucial for ensuring that drivers are aware of the need to be cautious and share the road with oncoming traffic. It is often placed at intersections or the beginning of a two-way street to enhance road safety and reduce the risk of head-on collisions. The sign typically features two arrows pointing in opposite directions to indicate the bidirectional flow of traffic.

Symbol Design

Typically features two arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down, indicating traffic moving in both directions.
Two way traffic sign symbol


Commonly has a white background with black arrows and border to ensure high visibility in various weather conditions.
Two way traffic sign color


Usually rectangular or square, although the exact shape can vary by country or region.
Two way traffic sign shape


Some two-way traffic signs may include text such as 'Two-Way Traffic' to reinforce the message.
Two way traffic sign text

Reflective Material

Often made with reflective material to remain visible at night or in low-light conditions.
Two way traffic sign reflective material


Commonly placed on the far side of T-intersections to inform drivers that they need to turn left or right onto a two-way road. They may also be found where a one-way road transitions to a two-way road.
Two way traffic sign placement


The size of the sign can vary depending on the type of road and speed limits, with larger signs used on major roads to ensure they are easily seen and understood by drivers.
Two way traffic sign size
Stay Alert: Two-Way Traffic Ahead - Drive Safely and Share the Road!
Two way traffic sign